4 thoughts on “Reaching out 

  1. I’m diagnosed with rapid cycling. Managing it is difficult. The only thing I can think of is to do your best to stick to a schedule and make sure that your loved ones understand what rapid cycling means. Having educated people to support you is vital. I hope that helps you a little bit.

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      1. There is an end, or at least a pause from it. By routine I mean to shower and make your bed, brush your teeth, and eat on a steady schedule. For me, if I don’t do this I get lost in the depression or mania and forget to take care of myself.

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  2. For years I was diagnosed with rapid cycling bi-polar disorder. None of the medications worked. Finally in 2010 I was diagnosed with C-PTSD and Dissociative Identity Disorder which explains why the meds didn’t work.

    DID only responds to psycho-therapy.

    It took awhile for me to accept the diagnosis but now, after six years of intensive psychotherapy my symptoms are more manageable.

    As it turns out trauma looks like many things including schizo-affective disorder.

    I feel lucky to have met a psychiatrist who was sharp enough to do a trauma screening.

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